Here they are, my gently-used Stop Action Magnet units. They were removed from a project by the previous owner and stored likely in a garage, they needed a bit of cleaning. Now they are all ready to prepare for installation in my organ console. These are for flip tab stops. A little plastic bit with the name of the stop engraved on it gets screwed onto the little metal tab. Pushing the tab down activates the stop and flipping it back up closes it. There is a reed switch, visible on the front side, that lets the computer figure out the current position of the stop. It can be polled like the keyboards to discover if the organist has flipped it. The tab can also be flipped by the computer - by activating one of thise electromagnet coils. If you push a piston button, it activates a bunch of stops in Hauptwerk. Hauptwerk can then send MIDI commands out to the console to instruct it to flip the tabs to match the current state of the virtual organ...