How Beautiful are the Feet
I have a functioning pedalboard! It's been a few weeks, during which there was confusion and missteps, but I'm on a roll now. I had grief with the Hall sensors, I think I fried a few but I have them under control now. In the flurry of this, I decided to use reed switches in the pedals, I won't get velocity sensing but if that annoys me enough I can swap them in later. There was a bit of faffing around figuring out an approach, but here is what I wound up with that works: Here is one built sensor I cut squares of flexible protoboard ( ) flexible isn't really necessary, and less than ideal really, but it was inexpensive and easier to cut lots of small squares from than the regular stuff. I have inexpensive reed switches, random amazon purchase. They work great, but are very fragile. Be sure to order extras. I meant to mount the sensor squares between the springs, but that didn't work well. I modified them b...